Posts Tagged With: tardis

Next Stop: Glasgow, Scotland

Go to Scotland, they said, They speak English, they said. 
You’ll understand the locals, they said. 
~ True Words from my wonderful friend Charlotte.

Why hello there Scawtland… we meet again! (Click here for last trip to Scotland)

This time, I decided to visit my wonderful Queens friends Charlotte, Ian and Jennie, who are all currently on exchange and attend the University of Glasgow.

Because I only have classes Monday and Tuesday, I decided to book a train ticket to Glasgow for Wednesday, and return back to Leeds on the Monday (for my class, urgh).

This 5-day weekend was AH-MAZING.

The first day I was there, Charlotte showed me around the city center (which looks very similar to Leeds) and I finally got a picture with a tardis! If you don’t know what a tardis is… well… google it. It’s something pretty awesome from a pretty awesome British television show, Doctor Who.

The rest of the night was spent meeting Charlotte’s classmates and catching up on our personal life stories. So much has happened in two months; it’s cray cray.

The following morning, or should say.. afternoon, was spent sleeping in til 2pm (I was sleep deprived mmkay?) and meeting up with Charlotte to go for lunch, and meeting up with her friend Naomi from the previous night. All we did was discuss films, and show our films to each other. We had a very film-ie afternoon and it made me extremely happy. My life is lacking in filmic aspects, and exceeding with traveling.

Charlotte and I then met up with her friend Johan, who is swedish, and his friends who came to visit him from Sweden: Kim, Sofia and Jimmy. They had very swedish names, and so this was their english names. I had no idea that these four people would later become really good friends.

We all went to Ketchup for dinner. Ketchup is this really great burger place, but with awful ketchup; suriously. It doesn’t make sense, but it honestly tastes abnormal. After eating at Ketchup, The two Canadians and Four Swedish Berries (as I called them all weekend) all went out for drinks at a few different pubs and bars. It turned into an amazing night where I got to get to know a lot of people, especially my new swedish friends 🙂

The next day/night, we woke up insanely late, ate dinner and went out to a club in downtown Glasgow. Charlotte and I were clearly extremely productive that day/night (sarcasm). Oh, Charlotte did read a passage from “Fifty Shades of Grey” while at Tesco. HA!


I spent my saturday with my Queen’s friend Ian in the beautiful hills of Perth, Scotland. This city was my home away from home, as I generally live in Perth, Canada. Check out my adventure and beautiful hike up a summit in the 7th city of Scotland!

I spent Saturday evening at another club where everyone was dressed up for Halloween (even though it was the 27th of October), so Charlotte decided to go as a sexy vampire, and I decided to go as a Hollister model (lolz). That evening turned out to be an amazing night in Glasgow; surely a night to remember. It was also the last night that my new swedish friends would be in Glasgow. I was super sad to them leave, although I’m really happy that I got to meet them and probably visit in the near future!

Hello Sweden! I’ll Be Seeing You Soon I’m Sure!


Sunday was spent recovering from the night out, and a tea & biscuit (minus the biscuit) date with my other Queen’s friend Jennie! It was lovely seeing her since I haven’t seen her since the summer began. Too many awesome people in Glasgow; I need to visit more often (hint hint).

Charlotte is the biggest stalker I know.
“Oh I know exactly where the tour bus is located for every band that plays here” Love this girl.

Sunday night was spent going to see Owl City in concert. It was amazing! I’ve been waiting for many years to see Adam Young play live ever since I found him on Youtube years ago (before he became famous on the radio for his songs Fireflies & Good Time). We were also major creeps and chilled near his tour van before the concert, but that’s a secret I’ll never tell. Opps.


Sadly, this was the end of my 5-night stay in Glasgow, Scotland, and although I didn’t get to actually see Glasgow and do all the touristy things, I was happy to just enjoy being in the company of good friends, new friends, and experience some fun-filled nights. I will definitely be seeing you soon Glasgow!

Check out my Youtube Channel For My Vlog of Being in Glasgow! 🙂

Categories: Fall, Glasgow, Liverpool, Night Life, Scotland, Travel Sights, Travel Tips, United Kingdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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